The Program



- | Wandelhalle |


Coffee break

- | Wandelhalle |

Posters and Stands


Urban Data Summit: Trustworthy AI for municipalities – how does it work?

- | Room 260 | German

Anita Klingel (PD - Berater der öffentlichen Hand GmbH)

Everyone is calling for trustworthy AI applications, but in practice there is great uncertainty about what this means in concrete terms. The workshop aims to present methods and provide space for an interactive exchange of experiences on how local authorities can implement good AI systems.


Lunch break

- | Wandelhalle |

Posters and Stands


Urban Data Summit: Data trustee – What are suitable data products?

- | Room 260 | German

David Hick (DKSR), Marcel Altendeitering (ISST) and Marius Hupperz (ISST)

The workshop will use practical use cases to identify possible data products for data trustees with the help of the data trustee canvas. Agenda:

  • Keynote speech & presentation of the Data Trustee Canvas
  • Presentation of practical use cases (including building/energy data)
  • Development of the data products in World Cafe format
  • Presentation of the results and discussion


Coffee break

- | Wandelhalle |

Posters and Stands


Urban Data Summit: From sensor to analysis: how the Internet of Things can revolutionize modern urban planning

- | Room 260 | German

Fabian Landua (DKSR) and Yvonne Margis (DKSR)

Increasing digitalization means that data is now being collected in all everyday situations. How can this data be read out and used to better understand urban spaces and make planning interventions more targeted? (Keynote speech with interactive elements)

Data Week Hosts

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Data Week Sponsors