The Program



- | Wandelhalle |


Coffee break

- | Wandelhalle |

Posters and Stands


Urban Data Summit: Open data in administration: recognizing opportunities, developing potential

- | Festsaal | German

Bianca Sammer (byte - Bayerische Agentur für Digitales) and Tim Cleffmann (DKSR)

Best practice & interactive workshop on the potential uses of open data in administration. How can open data be used in administration to create added value for administration, cities and municipalities?


Lunch break

- | Wandelhalle |

Posters and Stands


Coffee break

- | Wandelhalle |

Posters and Stands


Urban Data Summit: GeoGPT local: Interactive agents in digital landscapes

- | Festsaal | German

Holger Prang (Elie GmbH) and Lukas Koch (DKSR)

In this interactive workshop, participants will explore the possibilities of GeoGPTs to use local data to create digital solutions in communities. Learn how GeoGPTs act as interactive agents that analyze specific geographic contexts and needs. Together we will develop innovative approaches for urban and regional planning, environmental management and citizen participation. The workshop is a unique opportunity to gain practical experience and generate ideas for the use of GeoGPTs in your community.

Data Week Hosts

Data Week In cooperation with

Data Week Sponsors